I love Management Studio for SQL Server but sometimes it just doesn’t cut the mustard. I had a scenario recently where I needed to revoke access for all users from a database. I could delete them all but that would be more effort than necessary. I just wanted to deny access to a specific database.
To my knowledge, there is not a quick way to do this and so I had to write some T-SQL to do it.
You can revoke a database user using syntax REVOKE CONNECT, for example
What if you have many SQL Server users and you want to stop all of them accessing the database?
Identify them using this query from sysusers. In my case I am using an additional filter to pull out users with a specific prefix.
SELECT name FROM sysusers WHERE hasdbaccess = 1 AND name LIKE 'user{96f5cbaad583fb885ff5d18ecce5734bf1e8596949521e20c290401929518f75}';
In my case, this returns:
name ----------- user_1 user_2 user_3 (3 row(s) affected)
To do this, I made a small modification to this query using some concatenation and square brackets in case of weird user names which contain hyphens:
SELECT 'REVOKE CONNECT FROM [' + name + '];' FROM sysusers WHERE hasdbaccess = 1 AND name LIKE 'user{96f5cbaad583fb885ff5d18ecce5734bf1e8596949521e20c290401929518f75}';
This returned and I know have a series of statements that I can run as one batch:
------------------------------- REVOKE CONNECT FROM [user_1]; REVOKE CONNECT FROM [user_2]; REVOKE CONNECT FROM [user_3]; (3 row(s) affected)
Copy and paste these into a new query and execute them. Test that access has been revoked either by looking in Management Studio or querying sysusers for hasdbaccess = 1 again.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysusers WHERE hasdbaccess = 1 AND name LIKE 'user{96f5cbaad583fb885ff5d18ecce5734bf1e8596949521e20c290401929518f75}';
If you’re looking in Management Studio at the users, then a red arrow indicates that the user has been revoked.
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